Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 1




The analysis of treatment of epithelial coccygeal passage, complicated by abscess was performed in 185 patients. 2 groups of patients were singled out. In the 1st group the treatment was carried out according to generally accepted techniques. In the 2nd group, at the 1st stage, the abscess cavity was subjected to puncturing to determine the types of microorganisms; abscess was opened using the typical technique. In 90 patients of the 2nd group, at the 2nd stage, the cavity of the wound with fistulas was dissected with two wide edging incisions along the intergluteal folds. In 20 patients of this group, Limberg’s graft was applied. Double-stage surgical therapy in both groups of patients was found out to provide efficiency of treatment during one hospitalization only; it leads to decrease of post-operative, pyo-inflammatory complications incidence and reduces the terms of time disability and the number of relapses. Plastics with shifted gluteal cutaneous-subcutaneous graft appeared to be more effective in comparison with mattress suture and sewing of the edge of the wound to its fundus.

Keywords: epithelial coccygeal passage, surgical treatment, skin plastics.
p. 55 – 61 of the original issue
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