Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 3




The article is devoted to the problem of diagnostics and treatment of the most widely spread intracranial pyo-inflammatory complications – to meningoencephalitis (МE). The death rate at the given pathology reaches 20-30 %. The analysis of 146 cases of the patients with postoperative МE, who were operated on with severe cranial-cerebral traumas, diseases of the brain and vascular pathology is presented in the article. It is shown, that priority value in diagnostics and treatment of the patients with ME belongs to studying of the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Bacteriological studying of CSF in 65 patients was performed. Identification and estimation of microorganisms sensitivity was carried out by means of the tests - systems on the biochemical analyzer ATB Expression. The growing role of gram negative polyresistant microflora (53,3 %) in the etiological structure of the postoperative МE was proved; 33,3 % of cases of them were caused by Acinetobacter baumannii. On the basis of the data concerning the structure and sensitivity to antibiotics, circuitries of the rational antibiotic therapy of МE in the neurosurgical patients are developed.

Keywords: meningoencephalitis, diagnostics, polyresistant flora, antibiotic therapy, prophylaxis.
p. 106 – 113 of the original issue
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