Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 3




The present-day phlebology views incompetent perforant veins as one of the main pathogenetic elements of trophic disturbances development at chronic venous insufficiency. Endoscopic subfascial dissection has recently become the main method of incompetent perforants removal in the area of trophic disorders. Troacar method of endoscopic dissection of perforant veins in the front myofascial crus bed is described in the article. Indications and contraindications for this operation are determined; the technique of its performance is described in details as well as the possible complications. Experience of the given method use shows that it permits to eliminate effectively and with minor risk of complications the horizontal blood reflux under the trophic disturbances area on the front crus surface on condition that all indications and contraindications are evaluated adequately.

Keywords: chronic venous insufficiency, perforant veins incompetence, front myofascial bed, endoscopic dissection of perforant veins.
p. 184 - 192 of the original issue
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