Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 2




Objective. To increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with nephroptosis we have developed the laparoscopic method of nephropexy with the use of the polypropylene mesh and evaluated its effectiveness.
Methods. According to this method laparoscopic nephropexy was carried out in 35 patients with symptomatic nephroptosis with hemodynamics and urodynamics disturbances on the side of nephroptosis. The kidney was fixed to musculus psoas using the polypropylene mesh.
Results. Intra- and postoperative complications were not observed. Based on ultra-sound data, intravenous urography, color Doppler mapping, impulse Dopplergraphy of the kidney vessels, dynamic scintigraphy, the restoration of indexes on the side of nephroptosis after surgery was revealed.
Conclusion. The worked out method of the laparoscopic nephropexy is an effective and causes few traumas; it was confirmed by the results of pre- and postoperative examinations.

Keywords: nephroptosis, laparoscopic hephropexy, polypropylene mesh
p. 82-92 of the original issue
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