Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 2




Osteochondral and chondral intra-articular injuries of the knee joint are rather a widely spread pathology, especially among the patients of young age, characterized by absence of a specific clinical manifestation and as the result demanding thorough and many-sided diagnostic actions. As a rule routine methods of examination don’t give sufficient diagnostic information in contrast to such methods as CT, MRT, arthroscopy which are more effective methods for revealing intra-articular injuries. The data of foreign authors are presented in the article as well as our own experience in diagnosing and treatment of chondral and osteochondral fractures in 276 patients at the age up to 30 with the knee joint pathology, operated on in Minsk city clinical center of traumatology and orthopedics.

Keywords: intra-articular injuries, osteochondral fracture, arthroscopy, knee joint
p. 137-141 of the original issue
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