Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 2




Objectives. To estimate the peculiarities of pancreatic necrosis (PN) course as well as the results of the multi-component treatment of the patients for the last ten years.
Methods. The course peculiarities of the disease in 710 patients from 2001 till 2009 were analyzed. The patients were divided in two groups based on the time factor; the first group includes 365 hospitalized patients, between the years 2001-2004, when the algorithm of the complex intensive treatment was only designed and introduced into practice. In the second group 345 patients hospitalized between the years 2005-2009 all the patients with the sterile PN were receiving multi-component intensive therapy in the intensive care unit according to the scheme accepted in the clinic, taking into account the severity of the condition and syndrome disturbances.
Results. For five years the increase of the patients with a severe course of the disease has been marked and this is linked with the survival rate at the early terms, though in this case extra organ complications development occurs more frequently including diabetes. The decrease of the lethality rate in critically ill patients (SAPS>14) in the second group was achieved by means of extracorporeal detoxication and modern medicinal preparations. The reduction of the liquid component of the focus on the massive sequestration of the retroperitoneal cellulose background was marked what demanded an open surgery.
Conclusions. Course peculiarities of PN and the complications character are determined by the initial severity of the pancreas affection and the quality of the performed complex therapy at the early stages of the disease.

Keywords: pancreatic necrosis, course, treatment
p. 26 – 30 of the original issue
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