Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 4




Objectives. To study the influence of esophageal-intestinal anastomosis type on the frequency of anastomotic dehiscence development after gastrectomy in patients with the cardioesophageal cancer.
Methods. In the period from 2005 to 2009 178 patients underwent gastectomy because of the stomach cancer. 35,6% (65 patients) of them were those with the cardioesophageal cancer (CEC). All these CEC patients were operated via the transhiatal route. We used one lay esophageal-intestinal anastomosis (EIA) (12 patients), two lays manual (14 patients), two lay sesophageal-intestinal anastomosis with the application of fibrin glue (21 patients), stepler anastomosis (18 patients).
Results. General incidence of postoperative complication composed 35,4% (23 patients). In the structure of postoperative complications EIA dehiscence prevailed (6 patients). Postoperative mortality made up 3.1% (2 patients). The best immediate results were registered in the group of patients with two lays esophageal-intestinal anastomosis with the application of fibrin glue.
Conclusions. Transhiatal route and manual two lays esophageal-intestinal anastomosis with the application of fibrin glue permitted to decrease the number of EIA dehiscence during gastrectomy in CEC patients.

Keywords: cardioesophageal cancer, gastrectomy, esophageal-intestinal anastomosis dehiscence, transhiatal route
p. 16 – 23 of the original issue
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