Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 5




Objectives. To determine minimally effective volume and quantity of lidocaine for the femoral nerve blockade.
Methods. 35 femoral nerve blockades in 35 patients under ultra-sound visualization control with the peripheral nerves electrostimulator were performed. The blockades were done by various volumes of 0,75%, 1%, 1,5%, 2%, 3%, 4% lidocaine solution. The character of the local anesthetic spreading (complete or incomplete wrapping of the femoral nerve) was evaluated during the anesthesia on the ultra-sound apparatus monitor. During 40 minutes after the blockade the quality of the motor and sensor blockode was estimated.
Results. The following minimal lidocaine volumes, at which the compete blockade of the sciatic nerve was achieved, have been estimated: 0,75% of the solution– 10 ml; 1% – 7,5 ml; 1,5% – 5ml; 2% – 5ml.
Conclusions. Minimal volume of the local anesthetic solution when an effective femoral nerve blockade can be obtained is 5 ml, and minimal lidocaine volume is 75 mg.

Keywords: femoral nerve blockade, lidocaine, local anesthetic minimal volume, ultra-sound visualization
p. 102 – 105 of the original issue
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