Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 5




Objectives. To carry out the comparative analysis of opplication results of distal splenorenal anastomosis results in patients with portal hypertension (PH).
Methods. The analysis of distal splenorenal anastomosis opplication results during various periods of PH surgery development in Uzbekistan has been carried out. 285 patients with PH are included in the research.
Results. The results conducted researches have shown that distal splenorenal anastomosis permits on the one hand to decrease the risk of bleedings from the esophageal varicosity dilated veins and on the other hand due to the selective decompressions to create maximal conditions for preservation residual hepatopetal blood flow and thus to reduce frequency of hepatic insufficiency. The introduced original technologies and the detailed approach have allowed to 5,2% decrease lethality during the nearest postoperative period in this category of patients.
Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted researches indications for distal splenorenal anastomosis were optimized taking into account the main risk factors of unfavorable outcome. Advanced tactical-technical aspects of this type of shunting performance permitted to decrease hepatic insufficiency in the early post shunting period up to 8, 2%, encephalopathy – up to 10, 4%, anastomosis thrombosis – up to 2, 6%, bleedings from the varicosity dilated veins of the esophagus and stomach – up to 6, 9%.

Keywords: hepatic cirrhosis, portal hypertension, varicosity dilatation of the esophageal veins, distal splenorenal anastomosis
p. 52 – 59 of the original issue
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