Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 2




SBEE HPE “Kirov State Medical Academy”,
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To study possibilities of the modern combined cryosurgical technique of the ingrown nail treatment in conditions of the surgical room of a polyclinic.
Methods. Cryotherapy technique was used in 17 patients with complicated forms of the ingrown nail (main group). 10 of them had acute inflammation in the form of paronychia; 7 patients had inflammatory hypergranulations. A traditional method of surgical treatment was applied in the comparison group in 17 patients with the same complications. All patients of the main and comparison groups were examined 3 and 12 months afterwards.
Results. A good clinical effect and complete recovery without recurrences were achieved in all patients of the main group as well as shortening of the average terms of work disability with the given pathology up to 10,1±1,03 days (using traditional methods – 12,5±1,28 days).
Conclusions. The method of the ingrown nail treatment using cryosurgical technique is less traumatic and it contributes to quick restoring of work ability and accelerated rehabilitation; it also provides good cosmetic effect and isn’t accompanied by recurrences.

Keywords: ingrown nail, cryosurgery, cryodestruction, inflammatory granulomaû
p. 60 – 63 of the original issue

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Address for correspondence:
610001, Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, g. Kirov, Oktiabr'skii pr-t d. 151, GBOU VPO “Kirovskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia”, kafedra obshchei khirurgii,
Slonimsky Vladimir Vladimirovich
Information about the authors:
Slonimsky V.V., an extramural post-graduate student of the chair of general surgery of SBEE HPE "Kirov State Medical Academy", a surgeon of the polyclinic ¹ 1 of the departmental hospital at the st. Kirov of OAO "RRW".
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