Year 2013 Vol. 21 No 1




SEE “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” 1,
SE RSPC “Cardiology” 2, Minsk.
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. Basing on the analysis of the cardiac surgery state in the republic and tendencies of the cardiac surgery development to identify the ways for further improvement of the given aspect in the national healthcare.
Methods. The results of work of the cardiovascular surgery departments, catheterization laboratories of the Republic of Belarus possessing significant experience in operations on the open heart and major vessels as well as in X-ray-endovascular interventions on different vascular pools have been analyzed.
Results. In 2011, 9131 operations on the heart and thoracic aorta section were carried out in the republic including 2312 with use of artificial blood circulation; 1119 – aorta-coronary shunting combined with other cardiac operations; 260 – aorta-coronary shunting on the working heart; 3008 – X-ray-endovascular operations (vessel angioplasty – 512, direct stenting – 2209). During the recent 5 years the number of the coronary angioplasty has more than 10 times increased in the republic (2006 year – 201 procedures – 21/1 million of the population; 2011 year - 2672 – 282 /1 million of the population; by October, 2012 in Minsk – 750 procedures/1 million of the population). In general during the recent 20 years the tendency typical for modern development of the cardiovascular surgery has been registered in the republic, i.e. annual increase of the endovascular interventions and expansion of the given service.
Conclusions. At present modern tendencies in the cardiovascular surgery are being developed and realized in the Republic of Belarus. The required conditions for further development of the cardiovascular surgery are considered to be a collaboration and interdisciplinary approach; advanced training in cardiovascular and endovascular surgery at all stages; development and consolidation of the clinical bases for wide application of hybrid technologies in practice; introduction of modern treatment standards in the clinical practice; active integration in international scientific-practical communities.

Keywords: cardiovascular and endovascular surgery, tendencies of developments
p. 84 – 87 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
220036, Respublika Belarus', g. Minsk, ul. R. Liuksemburg, d. 110, GU RNPTs «Kardiologiia», kafedra kardiokhirurgii,
Mikutskii Nikolai Stanislavovich
Information about the authors:
Ostrovsky Yu.P. Corresponding member of NAS of RB, MD, professor, head of the cardiac surgery laboratory of SE RSPC “Cardiology”, head of the cardiac surgery chair of SEE “Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”.
Selesnev V.V. PhD, associate professor of the cardiac surgery chair of SEE “Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”.
Mikutski N.S. PhD, cardiac surgeon of the 1st cardiac surgery department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
Chernoglaz P.F. Endovascular surgeon of the endovascular surgery department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
Smoljakov A.L. Cardiac surgeon of the 1st cardiac surgery department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
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