Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 2




SHEE “Ivano-Frankovsk National Medical University”,
The Ukraine

Objectives. To improve the treatment results of patients with acute varicose thrombophlebitis (AVTP) of the lower limbs by studying the role of a small saphenous vein (SSV) in the extension of a thrombotic process in the deep venous system.
Methods. 236 patients with AVTP were examined. After the color duplex scanning the limbs were referred to one of 3 groups: the 1st group with thrombosis of the superficial veins; the 2nd – the limbs with thrombotic process in the superficial and perforating veins; and the 3rd – the limbs with thrombotic process in the superficial and deep veins. The thrombosis frequency of SSV and great saphenous vein (GSV) were compared in each of 3 indicated groups as well as inside of the third one.
Results. Among all patients with AVTP, complicated with deep venous thrombosis (DVT), the frequency of GSV thrombosis made up 70.2% (95% CI 55,1-82,7%) and SSV – 34,0% (20,9-49,3%) (p=0,004). Among the same patients but with a pathological reflux in SSV and GSV simultaneously, the frequency of SSV thrombosis composed 88,9% (51,8-99,7%) and GSV – 44,4% (13,7-78,8%) (p=0,007). The frequency of SSV thrombosis in the 2nd group in contrast to the frequency of thrombosis of GSV was higher than in the 1st group, and the difference of thrombosis frequency in groups 3 and 1 was statistically higher than for GSV.
Conclusions. From the obtained results it can be concluded that thrombosis of SSV in case of AVTP plays more important role in the development of accompanying DVT than thrombosis of GSV. However, due to the considerably more frequent detection of pathological reflux in the GSV and its thrombosis among all patients with AVTP complicated DVT is more common.

Keywords: superficial vein thrombosis, varicose veins, small saphenous vein, deep venous thrombosis
p. 184 – 190 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
76000, Ukraina, g. Ivano-Frankovsk, ul. Galitskaia, d. 2, GVUZ «Ivano-Frankovskii natsional'nyi meditsinskii universitet», kafedra khirurgii stomatologicheskogo fakul'te-ta.
Sabadosh Rostislav Vasil'evich
Information about the authors:
Sabadosh R.V. PhD, an associate professor of the surgery chair of the dental faculty of SHEE “Ivano-Frankovsk National Medical University”.
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