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Year 2018 Vol. 26 No 1
Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia 1,
Nizhnevartovsk District Clinical Hospital, Nizhnevartovsk 2
The Russian Federation
The purpose of this review was to analyze the current literature about seromas after large incisional hernia repair with mesh implants. This complication may develop after different plasty methods of the anterior abdominal wall, but its incidence grows with the increase of volume of surgical intervention, which is typical for large and complex incisional hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. Their plasty is accompanied by the release of subcutaneous fat of the flap over a large area and installation of a mesh implant. The residual cavity resulting from the wide separation is formed, which is gradually filled with serous fluid, becoming seromas. The formation of seroma of postoperative wounds leads to the increased incidence of infectious complications, which in turn leads to the increase in the length of stay in hospital, and increases the economic burden of a hospital. This review considers terminological definitions, the main causes leading to the development of seromas, the specific pathogenetic and classification aspects of this complications and various current practical pre-, intra -, and postoperative methods of this complication prophylaxis.
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644112, The Russian Federation,
Omsk, Perelet Str., 9,
Municipal Clinical Emergency Hospital N 1,
Department of Hospital Surgery,
Tel. office: +8 3812 75-32-72,
mobile.: +7 913 971-32-73;
Degovtsov Evgeny N.
Degovtsov Evgeny N., MD, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery, Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Omsk, Russian Federation.
Kolyadko Pavel V., Surgeon, Surgical Department N3, Nizhnevartovsk District Clinical Hospital, Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation.