Year 2018 Vol. 26 No 1




National Research N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University 1,
Republican Clinical Hospital № 4 2, Saransk
The Russian Federation

The article presents two clinical observations of a rare pathology, pulmonary endometriosis, complicated by hemoptysis. A 34-year-old female patient has had periodic hemoptysis during menses since 1969. At the age of 19 she underwent an emergency operation for pulmonary hemorrhage, which was stopped by the ligation of the intermediate bronchus root with the ligature due to ventricular fibrillation and unstable hemodynamics. Subsequently, periodic hemoptysis continued, but the patient refused to undergo bronchial examination and biopsy. 27.10.1983 a right-sided pneumonectomy was performed, during which the pneumocirrhosis of the lower and middle lobes and foci of the endometrioid tissue in the upper lobe of the right lung were observed. During the follow-up for 10 years, hemoptysis has not been observed, pathology from the side of the trachea bronchial tubes and left lung has not been detected.
The second observation demonstrates the effectiveness of a 6-month continuous course of treatment of pulmonary endometriosis in combination with adenomyosis with the use of dienogest in a 25-year-old patient, which was accompanied not only by the activity suppression of the endometriosis foci, but also by the disappearance of clinical and instrumental manifestations both in the uterus, and in the lung. In this observation, the duration of the disease before treatment was 3 months; both patients had an unfavorable gynecological anamnesis.

Keywords: extragenital endometriosis, pulmonary endometriosis, hemoptysis, adenomyosis, dienogest, diagnostics, treatment tactics
p. 103-108 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
430032, The Russian Federation,
Saransk, Ulyanov Str., 32,
National Research
N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University,
Department of Hospital Surgery,
Tel. mobile +79279710237,
Romanov Mikhail D.
Information about the authors:
Romanov Mikhail D., MD, Professor, Professor of the Hospital Surgery Department, National Research N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, the Russian Federation.
Kireeva Ekaterina M., PhD, Associate Professor of the Hospital Surgery Department, Thoracic Surgeon, National Research N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Republican Clinical Hospital № 4, Saransk, the Russian Federation.
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