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Year 2018 Vol. 26 No 1
Ryazan State Medical University
named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan,
The Russian Federation
Objective. To study the effect of magnesium drugs on the concentration of matrix metalloproteinases and magnesium ions in patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities.
Methods. The study included 124 patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities, C2-C6, which were divided into 4 groups. In the 1st group, surgical treatment followed with the administering the standard conservative treatment (32 patient); in the 2nd group after the operation in addition to conservative treatment, magnesium drugs (32 patient) were prescribed; in the 3rd group, conservative treatment without surgery (30 patient) was performed; in the 4th group patients received standard conservative treatment and magnesium drugs (30 patient). The 5th control group consisted of 20 healthy volunteers who did not suffer from varicose veins disease. Patients of groups 2 and 4 were given magnesium orotate 500 mg 2 tablets 3 times a day for 3 months. The content of serum matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) was determined by quantitative solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. The magnesium ion concentration was determined by colorimetric method.
Results. In patients with varicose veins of lower extremities a significantly lower level of magnesium was registered compared to healthy volunteers not suffering from varicose veins: 35.5% of those with varicose veins had a magnesium deficiency, while only 15% had a decrease in this indicator among healthy volunteers. Against the background of additional therapy with magnesium drugs, there was a decrease in the number of patients with magnesium deficiency in groups with varicose veins of lower extremities, a decrease in MMP-9 concentration and an increase in TIMP-1 activity was also established.
Conclusions. This study has confirmed the efficacy of magnesium drugs which have a pronounced effect on collagen degradation processes and extracellular matrix, reduce the activity of MMP-9, increase the concentration of TIMP-1, thereby affecting the MMP/TIMP balance in patients with varicose veins of lower extremities.
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390026, The Russian Federation,
Ryazan, Vyisokovoltnaya str., 9,
Ryazan State Medical University
named after Academician I.P. Pavlov,
Department of Cardiovascular,
X-Ray Endovascular,
Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy,
Tel. 7 951 101-21-23,
Kamaev Aleksey Andreevich
Kalinin Roman E., MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular, X-Ray Endovascular, Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russian Federation.
Suchkov Igor A., MD, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Cardiovascular, X-Ray Endovascular, Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russian Federation.
Pshennikov Alexander S., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Cardiovascular, X-Ray Endovascular, Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russian Federation.
Kamaev Aleksey А., Post-Graduate Student of the Department of Cardiovascular, X-Ray Endovascular, Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russian Federation.
Isakov Sergey А., MD, Professor of the Dermatovenereology Department of Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russian Federation.
Ryabkov Alexander N., MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with the Course of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Additional Professional Education of Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russian Federation.