Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 2




The results of proteolytic processes activity investigation in the blood serum and the small intestine content in 58 patients with acute adhesive intestinal obstruction are given in the article. Nasogastrointestinal intubation of small intestine was performed in all these patients. It was found out that in the early post operative period in the patients with acute adhesive intestinal obstruction, an increased level of proteolytic activity in the blood serum and small intestine content is observed, which influences the liver function negatively. The application of intestinal intubation with е-aminocapronic acid usage results in faster general proteolytic activity decrease and normalization both in the small intestine content and blood serum; it also leads to decrease of a1-antiproteinase inhibitor, of proteolysis index; it also contributes to faster enteroparesis elimination and to the possibility of earlier nasogastrointestinal tube removal. е-aminocapronic acid usage in intestinal intubation is one of the most effective methods of proteolytic activity correction in early post operative period, it contributes to normalization of the small intestine functional disturbances.

Keywords: small intestine, intestinal obstruction, intestinal decompression, intestinal dialysis, proteolysis.
p. 65 - 72 of the original issue
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