Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 1




The problem of peptic ulcer has been studied both from the point of view of the individual tactics of patient’s treatment and treatment strategy in the patients’ population. Based on the personal investigations and literature data, methodological incorrectness of the “universal” anti-helicobacter conservative tactics in case of peptic ulcer is shown. The author proves expediency of the treatment strategy and tactics variation with the use of different types of conservative therapy and planned mainly organ-saving surgery. The concept of peptic ulcer population severity is presented as well as its criteria, gradation, determining factors. Treatment strategy should be formed based on the regional epidemiological indexes; its aim is to decrease the population severity. The choice of treatment tactics should be based on the disease severity, complications risk factors, medical activity of the patient; the aim is to minimize the risk of complications and urgent surgeries. In case of uncontrolled severe course of peptic ulcer, planned surgery in the specialized clinic is advisable.

Keywords: peptic ulcer, population severity of peptic ulcer, strategy and tactic of treatment.
p. 97 - 107 of the original issue
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