Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 1




In the paper the treatment experience of acute pancreatitis patients is analyzed. The performed analysis has revealed that while treating acute pancreatitis one should follow active waiting tactics and give preference to complex conservative therapy.
At the early stage of the disease the only justified method of treatment is endoscopic interventions, which are compelled and they are regarded not only as a method of surgical detoxication, intra-abdominal hypertension removal, but also as a prophylactic method in the development of severe purulent-septic complications. Mini-invasive methods under visual control can be used in case of limited, local abscesses and suppurations of the post-necrotic cysts. The rest operations should be applied only when purulent-septic complications develop.
The presented data testify that the given approach to the treatment of acute pancreatitis patients decreases significantly postoperative lethality.

Keywords: acute pancreatitis, pancreatonecrosis, conservative therapy, early, delayed and late operations.
p. 133 - 139 of the original issue
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