Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 3




Clinical efficiency of citoflavin at laparoscopic cholecystectomies carried out under the condition of general anesthesia was studied. 60 patients were examined, who had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomies under the condition of general anesthesia; 47 of them were women and 13 men at the age of from 24 till 60 years. 30 patients were receiving citoflavin during 7 days. Cognitive functions in the patients were estimated according to the brief scale of the mental status (MMSE), batteries of frontal dysfunction (FAB), to the test of drawing of hours and Shulte test. The research was performed at 3 stages: one day prior to the operation, on the following and on the 7th day after the operation.
Comparison of the cognitive functions in patients depending on the research stage showed tendency towards lower indexes in the patients who hadn’t received citoflavin. Efficiency of citoflavin was confirmed by reliability of the obtained results which testified to the decrease in expressiveness of frustration cognitive functions in the post-operative period; that allows applying it as a preventive maintenance of cognitive frustration in patients before laparoscopic cholecystectomies.

Keywords: cognitive functions, post-operative cognitive frustration, preventive maintenance of cognitive frustrations, general anesthesia, laparoscopic cholecystectomy
p. 146 - 153 of the original issue
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