Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 4




The branch of PIEE HE "Medical University "Reaviz",
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To analyze the treatment results of the chest gunshot wounds among the civilian trauma patients under the local military conflict.
Methods. The results of medical aid rendering to 106 patients were analyzed. The victims were divided into two groups: group A – 62 (58,5%) of wounded patients evacuated to hospitals within 1 hour after the chest injured, group B – 44 (41.5%) – admitted within more than 1 hour after chest injury.
Results. Penetrating wounds in the group A were diagnosed in 38 (61,3%) patients; non-penetrating – in 24 (38,7%). Visceral injuries were revealed in 39 (62,9%) cases. Penetrating wounds in the group B occured in 21 patients (44,7%), non-penetrating – in 23 (52,3%) cases. Injuries of the internal organs were detected in 21 (44,7%) cases.
The patients (group A) were subjected to the following operative interventions: the primary surgical procedure (PSP) of wound of the chest in 50 (80,6%) victims, the emergency thoracotomy was carried out at once in 12 (19,4%) cases. Non-penetrating chest wound was diagnosed during PSP in 24 (38,7%) cases The rest 26 (41,9%) patients were performed thoracotomy after PST. The patients (group B) underwent the following interventions: PSP of the wound was performed in 39 (88,6%) cases; the emergency thoracotomy was carried out at once in 5 (11,4%) victims. The wound was found out to be non-penetrating during PSP in 23 (52,3%). Thoracotomy was carried out after PSP in the rest 16 (36,4%) patients.
In the immediate postoperative period, 30 complications were registered in the group A, 21 complications - in group B. Total mortality in the group A was 12 (19,4%), in the group B – 20 (45,5%).
Conclusion. The breast gunshot wounds of patients among the civilian population, resulting in a local military conflicts, characterized by high morbidity and mortality, the number of which depends on the time of delivery of the injured patients.

Keywords: chest gunshot wounds, victims, emergency thoracotomy, immediate postoperative period, civilian population, complications, lethal outcomes
p. 379-384 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
410012, Russian Federation, Saratov, Upper market, 10. Branch of PEE HE "Medical University" Reaviz "Saratov, chair of surgical diseases.

Tel: 8 (8452) 74-27-21
Maslyakov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Information about the authors:
Maslyakov V.V. MD, professor, Vice Rector (science work and public relations), PEE HE "Saratov Medical University "Reaviz".
Barsukov V.G. PhD, Associate professor, PEE HE "Saratov Medical University "Reaviz", chair of surgical diseases.
Kurkin K.G. Post-graduate student, PEE HE "Saratov Medical University "Reaviz", chair of surgical diseases.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023