Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 2

The keywords, references list and address for correspondence are available for each article in the section "Abstracts"


Matevossian E., Doll D., Lyarski S.Ð., Shchastny A.Ò., Evers T., Friess H.
History of transplantation medicine
Technical University of Munich, Philipps-University of Marburg, Teaching hospital of the Charite Berlin, Germany,
Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Vitebsk State Medical University,
Republic Belarus
p. 3 – 9 of the original issue



Pushkin S.Yu., Belokonev V.I., Shifrin G.I., Larina T.V., Klyuev K.E., Kuznetsov O.E.
Morphological and functional changes character in the tissues at liquid masses formation in the subcutaneous tissue in patients after herniotomy
p. 16 – 20 of the original issue
Nekrasov A.Yu., Kasumian S.A., Vorontsov A.K., Sergeev A.V., Bezaltynnyh A.A.
Non-stretching hernioplasty of the postoperative ventral hernias
p. 21 – 25 of the original issue
Mikhaylusov S.V., Moiseenkova E.V., Eshtrekov M.S.
Peculiarities of the pancreatic necrosis course
p. 26 – 30 of the original issue
Vinnik Yu.S., Cherdantsev D.V., Salmina A.B., Markelova N.M., Miller S.V.
Peculiarities of apoptosis regulation of the immunocompetent blood cells at acute destructive pancreatitis
p. 37 – 42 of the original issue
Dzharar P.M., Korymasov E.A., Gorbunov Yu.V.
Hemostasis system correction in treatment of acute pancreatitis at early stage
p. 43 – 49 of the original issue
Yerimbetov K.D., Zetov A.Sh., Pak A.V., Sadykov S.Zh., Àbdullina A.G., Kusainova N.Zh.
Application effectiveness of post-resection fistulae prevention method at pulmonary tuberculosis
p. 50 – 53 of the original issue


Kozich P.V., Bolonkin L.S., Santonitsky E.O., Dzyadzko A.M., Kalachik O.V., Slobodin Yu.V., Scherba A.E., Rummo O.O.
The first experience of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation in Belarus. Anesthesia and intensive therapy peculiarities of the post-transplantational period
p. 79 – 82 of the original issue


Mikhaylova E.I., Filipenko N.V.
Fecal lactoferrin in the early colorectal cancer diagnostics
p. 83 – 87 of the original issue


Pechorsky V.G., Marochkov A.V., Bordilovsky A.N., Evseenko A.I.
Comparative estimation of peripheral nervous trunks and plexus regional anesthesia efficacy and safety
p. 88 – 93 of the original issue



Levin M.D., Degtyarov I.G.
Perspectives of the functional constipation treatment in children
p. 113 – 124 of the original issue


Batvinkov N.I., Kropa Yu.S., Shapel I.A., Sushko A.A., Cherny A.V., Zaytsev V.A.
Repeated perforation of the pathologically changed gullet, complicated by bilateral empyema pleurae and abdominal syndrome
p. 125 – 127 of the original issue


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