Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 2




Operative treatment in case of varicosity shouldn’t be regarded as radical, because none of other well-known operative interventions is able to influence all phases of disease etiopathogenesis. Remaining pathogenic mechanisms impede restoration of functional abilities and later may result in disease progression. The results of the operative treatment may be improved by effective rehabilitation and prophylactic medical examination organization. On the basis of general conceptual approach to rehabilitation organization accepted in native medical health service and from our own experience, we have worked out the method of varicosity patients treatment after operations. It includes experimental-rehabilitation diagnostics (determination of the functional class, rehabilitation potential and prognosis), organizing of clinical-rehabilitation groups, working out of individual rehabilitation programs, estimation of rehabilitation efficiency and performing of medical-social experts’ opinion. Described plan of rehabilitation technology can be used for working out of concrete rehabilitation programs during post operative period for varicosity patients.

Keywords: varicosity, phlebectomy, chronic venous insufficiency, rehabilitation.
p. 82 - 89 of the original issue
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