Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 2




Changes in number of circulating endotheliocytes (CE) were studied as well as products content of nitrogen monoxide degradation, of malonate dialdehyde (MDA) and dienic conjugates (DC) in the venous blood of 99 patients at the active and non-active stages of acute lower limbs deep veins thrombosis. It was established that in case of acute venous thrombosis at the active stage, increase of CE by 167,7% was observed in comparison with control. At the non-active stage of the process, decrease of CE by 14,39% in comparison with the active stage indexes was marked. NO2/NO3 content in blood plasma was 82,7% higher in comparison with indexes in the control group, on the 12th day it reduced by 30, 1% in comparison with indexes of the active stage. MDA was 20,2% increased, DC – 47,8% increased in comparison with the control indexes. During non-active stage MDA and DC content didn’t differ statistically from the active stage indexes Therefore acute venous thrombosis in the active stage is accompanied by increase in circulating endotheliocytes number, by increase of NO2/NO3 content in plasma and by decrease of the given indexes at the non-active stage.
So, determination of CE, MDA and DC in the blood and NO2/NO3 concentration in the plasma can be used as markers, characterizing severity of acute venous thrombosis.

Keywords: endothelial dysfunction, acute venous thrombosis.
p. 24 - 31 of the original issue
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