Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 3




Objective. To find out whether a dense cicatrix between the edges of the dissected retinaculum of the flexors is formed after retinaculotomy performed because of the carpal tunnel syndrome.
Methods. Ultrasonography investigation with the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus ULTIMA-PRO-30 (Ukraine) was carried out in 9 patients with the carpal tunnel syndrome on 10 operated hands. To compare, ultrasonography was performed in these patients on non-operated hands.
Results. On non-operated hands the flexors retinaculum constituted the unbroken fibrillar cross-linear hyperechogenic bundle located the volar median nerve. On all 10 operated hands the continuity of the hyperechogenic bundle- retinaculum of the flexors was disturbed. And on 4 hands sonographically clear one could distinguish the edges and size of this «break». Echogenic density of the soft tissues was identical to the echogenic density of volar the subcutaneous fat median nerve.
Conclusion. Ultrasonography proved the assumption that after conducting the described retinaculotomy a new modified flexor retinaculum isn’t formed.

Keywords: ultrasonography, surgical treatment, carpal tunnel syndrome
p. 84 – 88 of the original issue
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