Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 6




Objectives. To estimate the direct oximetry opportunities of the abdominal cavity and parietal peritoneum organs at the experimental peritonitis.
Methods. The investigation is based on the results analysis of the direct oximetry of the parietal peritoneum, the liver surface, the intestinal wall in 34 guinea pigs with the experimental peritonitis.
Results. The inflammatory process development in the abdominal cavity is accompanied by the metabolic processes activation in the peritoneum that results in the rate increase of the oxygen uptake and ultimately in the adaptation reaction failure and hypoxia progression. Depletion of the oxygen utilization mechanisms resources was registered during the terminal phase leading to the rate decrease of the oxygen uptake and to loss of possibility of its utilization by the tissues. High reserve level of the oxygen utilization mechanisms by hepatocytes was revealed that permits the liver to react adequately to the increasing intensity of the metabolic processes at inflammatory processes and endotoxicosis. Low reserve opportunities of the oxygen uptake mechanisms by the intestinal wall were shown than could explain the development of the intestinal wall ischemia and the enteral insufficiency syndrome development even at the early stage peritonitis.
Conclusions. Direct oximetry being a noninvasive method permits to perform intraoperative estimation of the respiratory activity of the organs and tissues. On the basis of the direct oximetry data one can judge on the functional state of these tissues; this can help to choose tactics of finishing the operation as well as further postoperative treatment of a patient.

Keywords: peritonitis, experimental animals, direct oximetrys
p. 3 – 7 of the original issue
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