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Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 4
ME "Mogilev Regional Hospital"
The Republic of Belarus
The implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) currently play, along with drug therapy, one of the leading roles in the prevention of sudden cardiac death. Efficacy and safety of ICD in different groups of patients have been proven in a number of large randomized trials. Taking into account the high proportion of sudden cardiac death in the structure of total mortality, ICDs allow saving thousands of lives annually. Rapid scientific and technical progress, currently observed in all spheres of human activity, allows assuming with high probability a significant increase of reliability and therapeutic opportunities of ICDs in the nearest future. Due to the ever growing number of ICD implantations across the world, we consider important objective to increase interest in implantable antiarrhythmic devices among physicians of different specialties.
This paper briefly describes the history of the ICD from the formation of the concept in the late 60-ies of XX century, to current multifunctional implantable antiarrhythmic devices. The ICD example shows the impact of the development of microelectronics and computer technology at the end of XX - the beginning of XI century on the current medicine.
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212026, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, B. Biruli str., 12,
ME "Mogilev Regional Hospital" department of anesthesiology and intensive care. Tel: +375 222 27-87-39
Ladzeyeu Andrey Yurevich
Ladzeyeu A.Y. Anesthesiologist, ME "Mogilev Regional Hospital", department of anesthesiology and reanimation.
Marochkov A.V. MD, professor, Head, ME "Mogilev Regional Hospital", department of anesthesiology and reanimation.
Dzmitryieva V.N. Anesthesiologist, ME "Mogilev Regional Hospital", department of anesthesiology and reanimation.