2017 г. №3 Том 25



Potential of using cultivated dermal fibroblasts on the biodegradable polymeric matrices for treating skin damages in the experiment

EE “Belarusian State Medical University” 1,
SRE “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of NAS of Belarus” 2,
SE “The 432nd Chief Military Clinical Medical Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus” 3,
EE “Belarusian State University” 4,
SNE “Powder Metallurgy Institute” 5,
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To evaluate the possibility of using of cultivated dermal fibroblasts on the biodegradable polymeric matrices for treating skin damages in the experiment.
Methods. The study was performed on 90 rats of Wistar line (180-200 g weight) with pure wounds (D-2,5cm). Six groups were formed, 15 animals per each group. The culture of dermal fibroblasts was isolated from the skin of newborn rats; to accumulate the required biomass of cells subpassage was carried out.
The cellular biological products were not applied in group 1 (control). Biodegradable matrices (dextran phosphate or polylactide) were used for treating wounds in the groups 2-6 as matrices without cellular biological product and matrices with cultured fibroblasts (250×103 to 700×103 cells per wound). Conclusion about the impact of biodegradable polymeric matrices with dermal fibroblasts on the wound healing was made on the basis of a comparative analysis of the results of digital planimetry and morphological studies.
Results. At all stages (7, 14, 21, 28 days) minimal rate of healing was registered in the first group. The sixth group, where polylactide containing 700×103 cells was added in the wound, is characterized by the biggest values of the healing rate – with respect to other groups. Complete epithelization of the wound defects in the micropreparations of the sixth group was marked by the 21st day of the experiment. The strong direct correlation between the number of transplanted cells and wound rate healing was detected on the 7th day (ρ=0,923), the 14th day (ρ=0,924), and the 21st day of the experiment (ρ=0,914).
Conclusion. In the experiment it has been found out, that local application of the cultivated dermal fibroblasts on biodegradable polymer matrices (dextran phosphate and polylactide) results in a significant reduction of terms of the wound epithelization.

Ключевые слова: rat skin fibroblasts, dextran phosphate, polylactide, biodegradable matrices, wound treatment, epithelization, experiment
с. 223-232 оригинального издания
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Адрес для корреспонденции:
220116, Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
83, Dzerzhinskiyi Ave., Belarusian
State Medical University,
Department N2 of Surgical Diseases,
Tel.: 375 29 623-99-83
E-mail: doc.e.baranov@mail.ru,
Evgeniy V. Baranov
Cведения об авторах:
Baranov E.V. PhD, Ass. Professor of department of surgical diseases N2, EE “Belarusian State Medical University”.
Buravsky A.V. PhD, Ass. Professor of department N2 of surgical diseases, EE “Belarusian State Medical University”.
Kvacheva Z.B. PhD (Biology), leading researcher of Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology , SRE “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of NAS of Belarus”.
Butenko A.V. Junior researcher of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, SRE “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of NAS of Belarus”.
Tretyak D.S. PhD, Major of medical service, senior resident of medical troop, SE “Main Clinical Military Medical Centre 432 of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus”.
Yurkshtovich N.K. PhD (chemical sciences), leading researcher of the Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University.
Cedik L.V. Researcher of SNE “Powder Metallurgy Institute”.
Tretyak S.I. Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, MD, Professor, Head of department of surgical diseases N2, EE “Belarusian State Medical University”.
Volotovsky I.D. BD (Biology), Academician of NAS of Belarus, Head of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, SRE “Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering , NAS of Belarus”.
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