Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 1




As the result of the systemic social-medical research of non-industrial traumas, carried out in the modern city, it has been established, that a crucial role in their occurrence belongs to household traumas, the traumas following some aggressive actions and traffic accident traumas. The ultimate results of treatment have been revealed to depend on the quality of the medical aid given at every stage to those who suffer from these traumas. On the basis of the developed quality estimation technique of the applied traumatological care, the interconnection between the efficiency criteria, the adequacy criteria and the criteria of the victims’ satisfaction with the results of treatment has been established. The supplemented and adapted to the present-day conditions classification of the non-industrial traumatism including household traumas, traumas due to some aggressive actions, traffic accident traumas, street traumas is offered. For the first time, a new structural scheme aimed to optimize the traumatological care at the stages of its rendering has been developed and scientifically proved.

Keywords: traumatism, adequacy, efficiency, traumatological care, productivity.
p. 67 – 74 of the original issue
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