Rules for authors are compiled in accordance with the most recent version (Updated December 2016) of ‘Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals’ ñreated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (

The Editorial Board of journal "Novosti Khirurgii" submits the articles on the following specialties: surgery, cardiosurgery, traumatology-orthopedics, neurosurgery, oncology, urology, anesthesiology-resuscitation, transfusiology. The full-size original articles, reviews, case reports, information about scientific forums are accepted for publication by journal.

Submitted manuscripts must describe original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Preparation of manuscript

Manuscript of the article is submitted in Russian (for foreign authors it is possible to present the material in English). The volume of the full-size original article should be at least 0,35 of the author's sheet (14 000 printed characters, including spaces, punctuation, numbers, etc.), that corresponds to 8 pages of text printed through 2 line spacing. Short reports occupy 3 pages, literature reviews – 15 pages.

The manuscript should include the following elements: the full title of the article in Russian and English languages; annotation about scientific novelty, abstract, the text of the article and reference list.

The title-page should include: the full title of the article; a shortened version of the title of an article; 5-7 keywords; the official name of the institution where the work was carried out; information about the authors; information on compliance with ethical standards in the conduct of scientific research and preparing a manuscript; information about the sources of financial support for the project in form of grants, equipment, medical preparations; conflict of interest declaration; number of pages, figures, and tables; address for correspondence.

At the request of the authors, the acknowledgement can be given to organizations or concrete persons who assisted in the research.

At the beginning of the title page, the initials and surnames of the authors are indicated, followed by the title of the article and the institutions where the work was done.

The names and initials of the authors, as well as the official names of the institutions, must be given in Russian and English. English -language spelling of the name of an institution should correspond to the one on the website:

The names and initials of the authors in Latin should correspond to the variant registered in the ORCID system.

The shortened version of the title of the article should be no more than 40-45 characters without spaces. Immediately after the abstract keywords (5-7 keywords) are provided according to the Medical Subject Heading list accepted in Index Medicus.

The information about the authors should include surnames, names, patronymic names of all authors (in Russian and in Latin), academic degrees and titles, position, and affiliations where the work was performed, ORCID personal identifier for every author. In the case of absence of ORCID ID, every author should obtain it by registering at site ( with the obligatory indication of the surname and name in Latin.

ORCID is an international register of unique identifiers of authors, which makes it possible to identify uniquely the personality of a scientist, and correctly index it in international information bases. Surnames, names of authors (in Latin) are given in accordance with ORCID identifier.

The approval by a research ethics committee of institutions where the work was done or patients' consent to provide a description of its clinical case to publish with scientific and educational purposes should be presented in the information about the compliance with ethical standards.

The address for correspondence should include the business address and postal code, the name of the institution and structural subdivision, telephone numbers, e-mail of corresponding author. Address for correspondence is attached to the article.

Annotation of the article (300-600 characters with spaces) in Russian and English should demonstrate the scientific novelty of the work, its distinctive features and advantages. This is required for original articles. For other types of articles (review, case study), this section is not required.

A research article should have a structured abstract (230- 250 words), with the following sections, each to begin a separate paragraph: "Objective" (main question, objective, or hypothesis), "Methods" (study design, participants, outcome measures), "Results" (summary of data), and "Conclusion" (summary and interpretation of findings) in Russian and English. It should be suitable for publication separately from the article, should contain keywords that allow to index this article in international databases. Abstracts of other types of articles (reviews, case reports) may not be structured; the volume should be 150-200 words. The abbreviations should be avoided in the annotations and abstracts. Annotations and abstracts of articles, keywords in Russian and English, information about authors, and references list are posted on the journal's website and sent to the electronic information bases for indexing.

The main part of full-size original article should include the following sections:

“Introduction”, “Material and methods”, “Results”, “Discussions”.

The structure of the main part of articles is determined by the authors, but it should

include "Introduction" and "Conclusion" sections. It is recommended to use subtitles in voluminous article to mark out the content of separate parts.

The "Introduction" section of the original article should present a short literature survey, state previously unsolved issues and the objectives of the work, provide an adequate background, and its relations with the important scientific and practical tendencies. The analysis of the sources used in the preparation of the scientific article should indicate the author’s (authors’) knowledge of the scientific achievements in the relevant field. It is mandatory to put the references to the works of other authors. At the same time there should be links to recent publications, including foreign ones in this field.

The section "Material and Methods" should contain a detailed description of the objects of research, a description of the methods used, equipment, diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. Research methods should include links. If necessary, the data of copyrights, patents, and innovation proposals data are specified, and scanned copies of these documents should be submitted to the Editor together with other accompanying documents.

In the cases when diagnostic or treatment methods do not comply with standard procedures, information on ethics committee approval of the institution where the work was carried out and compliance with the principles laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki (1975) should be presented. It is prohibited to post confidential information that allows identifying the patient's personality (to mention the patient's name and initials and the hospital registration number). The photographs submitted for publication also must not identify the patient. Authors should inform patients (parents, guardians) about the possible publication of materials highlighting the features of his/her illness and the methods of diagnosis and treatment applied, about guarantees of confidentiality in print and electronic publications as well as their availability in Internet. When submitting an article to the Editorial office, the authors are required to submit a scanned copy of the written informed consent of the patient or his/her legal representative to the dissemination of information and to inform about it in the article.

When describing experiments on animals, one of the important issues in scientific research is to consider ethics in animal experiments, the authors are required to post information regarding the compliance of the proper care and use of laboratory animals in research to the international, national rules or rules on the ethical treatment of animals in the institution where the work was done.

The "Statistics" section describes in details the applied methods of statistical analysis with the presented values and indicators.

The "Results" section is the statistical reporting of the data. It describes the data collected and its results, which should be reflected, using maximally the figures and tables. If necessary, the section can be divided into subsections (with the explanatory headings).

The "Discussion" section reviews, interprets, and evaluates the results of the study, which should be discussed from the point of their scientific novelty and compared with the corresponding known data.

The "Conclusion" section should be clearly formulated and concisely reflect the main results obtained, indicating their novelty, advantages and applicability.

Scientific style of reviewed scientific practical journal "Novosti Khirurgii" requires the presentation of material in an impersonal, passive form and meets to all general specific features: the emphasized consistency of facts, objectivity, conceptual precision, brevity, abstractness.

The article should only use common symbols and abbreviations. The abbreviation in the text must be deciphered at the first mention. All quantities are expressed in the International System of Units (SI). The international nonproprietary names for medicinal products are used. Use of abbreviations in headings, titles of tables and figures in the sections "Goals" and "Conclusion" is not allowed.

The manuscript is prepared in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Font – Times New Roman, 14pt, margins should be 2,5 cm - from above and from below; 2 cm - from the left and from the right; line spacing – 2; fit to the width. The manuscript is printed with the marked bold titles and subtitles. All pages starting with the title-page should be sequentially numbered.

Tables should be presented on a separate sheet of paper, have a title, and footnotes (if necessary). Avoid using abbreviations in titles. The statistical indicators are given directly in the tables (in the headings of rows or columns) or indicated in their titles. Large tables should be free placed on a sheet (A4, album page). The figures in the tables should be carefully verified. The site where the table should be placed in the text is marked with a square on the left field, in which the table number is put. A reference to the table has to be pointed in the text.

Illustrations should be presented by separate files, the format of the picture can be TIFF, JPEG, CDR; resolution – photos - at least 300 dpi, figures and diagrams - at least 600 dpi. The diagrams executed in the MS Excel application must be submitted in the .xls format and in the form of a picture that will allow their prepress preparation. The allowed number of figures is 6, but they must be absolutely necessary for the presentation of the study materials.

Each table or figure should be titled and presented on a separate sheet. The figure number, title, explanations of the figures and other symbols are mandatory indicated. The site of a figure in the text is marked with a square on the left field, in which its number is placed. A link to the figure should be directly in the text.

The references list is made in accordance with Vancouver style. Titles of journals are reduced in accordance with Index Medicus. The initials and surnames of every author are mandatory. Citations are numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. The reference numbers should be written inside square brackets (for example: [1, 2]). It is recommended to cite no more than 15 sources in the original articles, no more than 50 - in the literature reviews. No references to the author's abstracts of dissertation or dissertations themselves are allowed; they are considered as manuscripts.

References to abstracts and articles in limited regional collections can be used only in the case of absolutely necessary. It is inappropriate to refer to educational publications, as they set forth well-known facts. References to journal articles should contain DOI (Digital Object Identifier (DOI)) in the CrossRef system. To date the vast majority of periodicals are included in the CrossRef system and assign the digital identifier DOI to published articles. The presence of DOI can be checked on the website: For this purpose it’s necessary to know a title of the article in English. Therefore, it is not recommended to refer to publications that do not indicate translations of titles in English. In cases if the article does not have DOI, you must specify the URL (the website's address of article).

Samples of a bibliographic description of literary sources are available on the journal's website. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references, and the accuracy of citation of primary sources. To minimize the incompleteness or inaccuracy of information in the cited references the Editorial Team makes sure to check all the references.

The article should be carefully edited and verified. The manuscript should be endorsed by all authors. This means that all authors take responsibility for the content of the publication.

The authors are responsible for the correctness of the information given. In exceptional cases, to assess the reliability of the results, the Editorial Team can request copies of documents confirming the materials submitted.

Submission of manuscripts

A manuscript accompanying by a scanned referral of the institution with the visa of the head of the institution is accepted by the Editorial Team. It should include the information about the concrete scientific program (plans) or funded projects in the frame of which the given research has been carried out. In submitting the articles containing the results of dissertation research, the Editorial Team must be informed

The manuscripts must be accompanied by a scanned cover letter (signed by every author), confirming that the manuscript has not been published anywhere, and is not currently in the Editorial office of any other journal; and that the authors, if the article be published, will grant copyright to the publisher in accordance with the public offer contract. All authors should have read and be familiar with the public offer contract. Scanned signed (by at least one author on behalf of the entire group of authors) an agreement with a certified signature of the author (s) must be sent along with other accompanying documents.

The authors are obliged to ensure that they did not receive any rewards in any form from manufacturers of medicines, medical equipment and materials, including competitors capable of influencing the results of work.

Authors should inform about the sponsor and describe his/her role in the study structure; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the description of the study; and in the decision to submit the text for publication. If necessary, the authors, at the request of the Editorial office, are required to provide additional information that allows evaluating the influence of sponsors on the research. The letter also reflects the participation of each author in the creation of this article.

Samples of accompanying documents are available on the journal's website (

The photocopies of certificates, patents, and certificates for the proposal should be attached to the article.

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically or by postal mail. In case of sending by e-mail, the referral of the institution, a cover letter, contract and other necessary documents should be scanned and sent in JPEG or PDF format.

Manuscripts that do not comply with the rules are not accepted by the Editorial Team, as the authors are informed about. Correspondence with the authors is carried out only by e-mail.

The order for review and publication of manuscript

Upon admission to the Editorial office, every submitted manuscript is checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software. In case of detection of incorrect borrowing, the Editors act in accordance with COPE rules. (

The manuscripts of the articles are reviewed by independent experts. The reviewers are appointed by the Editorial Board of the journal. Experts work with the article confidentially, strictly observing the author's right to non-disclosure prior to publication. The Editorial Team must send reviews to the authors in electronic or written form without specifying the name of the expert who conducted the review.

Authors have the right to indicate in the cover letter the names of those specialists whom, in their opinion, should not send the manuscript for review in connection with a possible, as a rule, professional, conflict of interests. The given information is strictly confidential and is taken into account by the Editorial Team in organizing the review. In case of refusal to publish an article, the Editorial Board sends a motivated refusal to the author.

Upon request of expert councils, the Editorial office provides copies of the reviews to VAK.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reduce the published materials and adapt them to the headings of the journal. The prepared article for publication, as amended, is sent to the authors for approval by e-mail (PDF format). Copyright changes and confirmation must be received by the Editorial office within 5 days. At the end of this period, the editors will consider that the authors approved the text.

The articles are published in the order of receipt, taking into account the terms of completion of the manuscripts by the authors after the review. Scientific articles of the last year study graduate students (including articles prepared in the co-authorship), provided fully meet the requirements are published out of turn.

The publication of scientific articles, including the extraordinary publication of manuscripts of postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, and applicants are free of charge. Advertising articles, as well as articles financed by manufacturing firms and/or their distributors, are not accepted.

The authors are sent an electronic copy of the published article in PDF format.

The printed version of journal is distributed only through postal agencies by subscription.

Author’s materials do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the Editorial Board.


The “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: writing and editing for biomedical publication”, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) can be found on the journal's website, and the original version (in English) is located at

The Editorial Board

Updated 23.01.2022

Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023