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Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 4
At present the stomach resection in its various forms is widely applied in various gastroduodenal pathologies. Many patients later develop pathological post-operative syndromes.
Our own experience of the individual-differential approach to the choice of a surgical technique is described in the article as well as indications for this or that resection variant depending on the clinical picture and results of the examination. In case of gastroduodenal ulcer, the group of patients is singled out in whom unfavorable malignant course of disease is prognosticated. The method of early detection of such patients permits to operate on them before the complications, periulcerous cicatricial-infiltrative processes, lesions of neighboring organs occur. The attention is paid to the importance of appropriate preoperative preparation at huge dissemination of Helicobacter pylori, marked gastritis. Obligatory surgical correction is carried out in case of revelation of accompanying hernias, cholelithiasis. To improve the resection results according to Bilroth-II (В-II), the resection method, worked out and used since 1986, with gastroenteroanastomosis, on the spur valve is suggested. This method can be used in case of chronic gastro-duodenal ulcers, distal stomach tumors. About 300 surgeries were performed (hemiresection, 2/3 resection, subtotal resection of the stomach, antrumectomy with selective vagotomy) with gastroenteroanastomosis on the spur valve.
Examinations of the operated patients in the distant period testify that the given tactics of the patients’ treatment, gastroenteroanastomosis on the spur valve formation in case of vast and thrifty stomach resections with vagotomies decreases the frequency and acuteness of the post-operative pathological syndromes, increases the stability of anastomosis zone to the development of ulcerous-destructive processes and as the background of acidic-protease function of the stomach preserving.
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