Year 2013 Vol. 21 No 3




SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation” 1
NGHA “Railway Clinical Hospital at the Station Irkutsk-Passenger” of JSC “Russian Railways” 2,
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To estimate efficiency of Y-plasty at inguinal hernias.
Methods. The research covering 80 patients has been conducted. The operation by the technique of I.L. Lichtenstein was carried out in 42 patients; they made up the group of clinical comparison (GCC).Using own designed technique of Y-plasticity 38 patients who made up the main group (MG) were operated on.
Results. While performing the herniaplasty by I.L. Lichtenstein (GCC) the time of surgery was 52,5±13,3 minutes. Using our own designed surgical technique (MG) the duration of the operation made up 41,6±13,9 minutes. There was no any complications during the early postoperative period both in GCC and in MG. Within the period from 12 months up to 2 years the results of surgical treatment in 30 patients from MG and in 36 of GCC were analyzed. Recurrence of hernias and the late complications were not observed. Applying the Y-plasty technique fewer cases of the postoperative pains and discomfort in the operation zone in comparison with I.L. Lichtenstein technique has been revealed. In GCC patients unpleasant feelings (discomfort, sensation of a foreign body) and pain in the operation field were registered in 22% of cases. In MG unpleasant feelings and rare pains in the field of operation were noted in 3 (10%) the patients.
Conclusions. The Y-plasty technique at inguinal hernias has all advantages of the present “tension-free” techniques and in patients less than 50 years with hernias of II, IIIÀ, and IIIÂ types can compete in efficiency with prosthetic techniques. The “tension-free” technique at inguinal hernias is simple in use and can reliably and quickly repair inguinal hernia without the application of prosthetic material. At Y-plasty of inguinal hernias the smaller number of cases of the postoperative painful manifestations and discomfort in the intervention zone in comparison with the operation by I.L. Lichtenstein is registered.

Keywords: inguinal hernia, hernioplasty, “tension-free” method
p. 84 – 89 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
664013, Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, g. Irkutsk, ul. Obraztsova, d. 27, NUZ "Dorozhnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa na stantsii Irkutsk-Passazhirskii" OAO "RZhD",
Shalashov Sergei Vladimirovich  
Information about the authors:
Shalashov S.V. PhD, a surgeon of the surgical department of NGHA “Railway clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk-Passenger” of JSC “Russian Railways”.
Kulikov L.K. MD, professor, a head of the surgery chair of SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Egorov I.A. A surgeon of the surgical department of NGHA “Railway clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk- Passenger” of JSC “Russian Railways”.
Mikhailov A.L. A surgeon of the surgical department of NGHA “Railway clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk- Passenger ” of JSC “Russian Railways”.
Buslaev O.A. A head of the surgical department of NGHA “Railway clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk-Passenger” of JSC “Russian Railways”.
Gorbunov I.A. An anesthesiologist of the anesthesiology and intensive care unit of NGHA “Railway clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk- Passenger” of JSC “Russian Railways”.
Mann Yu.V. A head of the surgical department of the policlinic of NGHA “Railway clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk-Passenger” of JSC “Russian Railways”.
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