Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 2




EE "Gomel State Medical University”
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To examine the effectiveness of using the drug "Citoflavin” in patients with the acute gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding.
Methods. The research enrolled 76 patients divided into two groups. In the first group the drug "Citoflavin" was included into the complex of intensive therapy. In the second group the traditional therapy of acute blood loss was carried out. The number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin concentration, blood biochemical values, acid-base balance, gases and blood electrolytes of patients were evaluated. The level of antioxidant activity (ÀÎÀ) of the blood serum was analyzed.
Results. On admission the significant depletion of the antioxidant properties of blood serum and a significant increase substances with prooxidant activity have been observed. Within 48 hours the blood serum of patients of the second group had prooxidant activity testifying to the development of oxidative stress. After 24 hours blood serum of the first group had antioxidant activity. After 48 hours AOA rate did not differ from the rate of healthy people. Hyperglycemia, hyperuremiya, hyperasotemia and hyperuricemia were observed in the blood biochemical analysis of all patients on admission. During the first day the blood biochemical parameters reached the normal values in the first group. High efficiency of the antioxidant complex "Citoflavin" for the correction of metabolic posthemorrhagic changes has been found out. Introduction of the antioxidant complex eliminates the prevalence of peroxidation processes and prevent the oxidative stress which has developed as a result of acute severe blood loss. In the first group the reduction of hospital stay length and mortality in comparison with the second group have been registered.
Conclusions. As a result of severe blood loss the oxidative stress with the depletion of the antioxidant defense system of the organism has developed that exponentiates the occurrence of the organ dysfunction. Standard treatment regimen does not allow to fill the antioxidant capacity of the body and reduce the peroxidation processes. The use of antioxidants at acute blood loss is known as the effective measure of oxidative stress cupping improves the treatment results of patients.

Keywords: gastroduodenal bleeding, severe blood loss, oxidative stress, antioxidantss
p. 155 – 163 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
246000, Respublika Belarus', g. Gomel', ul. Lange, d. 5, UO «Gomel'skii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet», kafedra khirurgicheskikh boleznei ¹2 s kursami detskoi khirurgii, anesteziologii i reanimatologii,
Zyblev Sergei Leonidovich
Information about the authors:
Zyblev S.L. An assistant of the surgical diseases chair ¹2 with the course of pediatric surgery, anesthesiology and reanimatology of EE “Gomel State Medical University”.
Dundarov Z.A. MD, professor, a head of the surgical diseases chair ¹2 with the course of pediatric surgery, anesthesiology and reanimatology of EE “Gomel State Medical University”.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023