Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 6




SBSE FSBSE "Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine", Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 1
SBEE HPE "Novosibirsk State Medical University" 2
The Russia Federation

Objectives. To estimate the angiogenesis state in the axillary lymph nodes (ALN) in the breast cancer (BC) patients and to determine the correlation between a ALN vascularization and the stage of oncological process.
Methods. A numerical density of blood vessels in ALN structures of patients at different stages of BC was investigated by immunohistochemical method with the application of CD34 antibodies and use of morphometry at the level of light microscopy. The pair coefficients of correlation between the BC stage and an ALN vascularization have also been studied.
Results. A rapid and significant increase of a number of vessels in axillary lymph nodes as a whole and in all their zones has been occured with the development of breast cancer. It is noted that the changes occuring of vascularization in paracortex and medullary substance are especially expressed. In different axillary lymph nodes zones of patient suffering from breast cancer a strong or a very strong positive correlation between the stage of oncologic process and vascularization indicators take place. Probably, the duration of oncological disease in the region of lymph collection and tumor size influence the angiogenesis intensity in lymph nodes. The longer a tumor is occurred in a body, the longer the production of proangiogenic cytokines and their effect on a lymph node are registered. The larger the tumor, the more significantly pronounced expression of hypoxia and more greatly secretion of substances that stimulate angiogenesis, and the more pronounced effect of these releases on vascular growth in various structures of lymph node. At the same time, no reliable differences between women without breast cancer and patients suffereing from breast cancer (I stage) was revealed; differences is detected only from II stage.
Conclusion. A substantial manifestation of the vascular network of lymph nodes may be a symptom of a malignant tumor development in the region of lymph collection. By increasing the number of vessels in lymph nodes it seems presumable to judge indirectly about oncological process duration and size of the tumor itself.

Keywords: breast cancer, axillary lymph nodes, vascularization, angiogenesis, angiogenesis indicators, dependence between angiogenesis and cancer stages, size of tumor
p. 579-585 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
630090, Russian Federation,
Novosibirsk, pr. Acad. Lavrentev, 8,
Institute of Chemical Biology and
Fundamental Medicine SB RAS,
Stem Cell Laboratory
Tel.: 8 913 753-07-67
Maiborodin Igor Valentinovich
Information about the authors:
Maiborodin I.V. MD, Professor, Leading researcher of stem cell laboratory, SBSE FSBSE "Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine", the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch.
Kozjakov A.E. Post-graduate student of oncology department, SBEE HPE "Novosibirsk State Medical University".
Babayants E.V. PhD, Applicant for Doctor’s degree of oncology department, SBEE HPE "Novosibirsk State Medical University".
Krasilnikov S.E. MD, Professor of oncology department, SBEE HPE "Novosibirsk State Medical University".
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