Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 1




Objectives. To evaluate efficacy and safety of endoscopic subfascial dissection of the perforant veins of the shin anterior myofascial bed in the patients with chronic venous insufficiency complicated by trophic disturbances on the anterolateral shin surface.
Methods. The estimation of the short-term and long-term treatment results of 21 patients with venous trophic disturbances (of 17 patients with ulcer anamnesis) on the anterolateral shin surface was carried out. To eliminate incopetent perforant veins in the zone of the tissues trophic changes on the anterolateral shin surface, our own technique of the gas trocar endoscopic dissection of the perforant veins of the shin anterior myofascial bed was applied in both cases. Surgical interventions were performed both in one single stage and in several stages in the patients with a marked accompanying pathology.
Results. In all cases no intraoperative complications were observed as well as complications in the nearest postoperative period. In the long-term postoperative period 61,9% of the operated patients were examined, the average terms of observation made up 11,07±5,06 months. In 69% of all cases treatment results were found «good». Trophic ulcers recurrences were noted in 2 patients (11,8% of the patients with ulcer anamnesis).
Conclusions. Subfascial endoscopic perforators surgery of the shin anterior myofascial bed is an effective and safe method to eliminate incopetent perforant veins in the zone of trophic changes.

Keywords: perforator veins, subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, anterior crural musculo-fascial bed, trophic changes
p. 55 – 62 of the original issue
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