Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 4




ME "Gomel Regional Clinical Cardiologic Center",
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To study the effects of protamine overdose on hemostatic parameters in vitro and to work out the criteria of protamine overdose using thromboelastometer ROTEM®.
Methods. Three groups of patients were formed randomly. The 10 µl of protamine solution (8,5 U) were added to the blood samples of the first group of patients. The concentration of protamine in the blood of the test sample was 1,57 U/ml. 10µl of sodium chloride solution were administrated to the blood samples of the second group. The third group (the control one) – no any additional drugs were introduced into the blood samples.
Results. In the first group of patients by Extem test the increase of the CT (104,5 s) was observed, which was higher by 37% (65,5 s) in the second group of patients and by 26% (77,0 s) in the third group. In the first group of patients by Intem test the increase of the CT values and CFT and also α angle change was determined compared with the second and third groups. The values of CT, CFT in the first group were higher than in the second group by 42% (210,0 s) and by 41% (71,5 s); the α angle in the first group (67,0º) was lower by 12% compared to the second group (75,5º). The values of CT, CFT in the first group were higher than in the third group by 50% (182,5 s) and by 23% (94,0 s); the α angle in the first group was lower by 7% compared to the third group (72,0º).
Conclusion. Protamine at a concentration of 1.57 U/ml has a strong hypocoagulation effect in vitro, which is manifested by specific changes in thromboelastometry ROTEM®

Keywords: blood, anticoagulants, heparin, protamine, measurement techniques, thromboelastometr, Rotem®
p. 342-347 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
246046, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Medical st., 4, ME "Gomel Regional Clinical Cardiology Center", department of anesthesiology and intensive care. Tel / fax: (0232) 43-48-01
Osipenko Dmitriy Vasilevich
Information about the authors:
Osipenko D.V. PhD, anesthesiologist, ME "Gomel Regional Clinical Cardiologic Center", department of anesthesiology and reanimation with intensive care.
Khristin A.G. Anesthesiologist, ME "Gomel Regional Clinical Cardiologic Center", department of anesthesiology and reanimation with intensive care.
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