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Year 2013 Vol. 21 No 5
EE "Gomel State Medical University",
The Republic of Belarus
Objectives. To study the impact of the conducted therapy on the metabolic state of animals with acute massive blood loss in experiment.
Methods. The experimental group of animals with acute blood loss was divided into five subgroups. The first subgroup was composed of the rats received no any treatment. The second subgroup included the rats underwent to the physiological saline injections after bleeding procedure. The third subgroup consisted of the rats underwent the injections of autologous blood with physiological saline. The fourth subgroup was made up of the rats with reinfusion of the whole autologous blood. The fifth subgroup consisted of the rats to whom the antioxidant complex “Cytoflavin” has been injected after bleeding procedure. After the treatment а red blood cell count and concentration of hemoglobin in the blood as well as indices of acid-base balance, biomedical parameters and antioxidant activity (AOA) of blood serum have been evaluated. The received data were compared with those of healthy animals (control group).
Results. It was experimentally proved that the injections of saline solution and reinfusion of autologous blood at the rate of 50% out of the blood loss volume with an equal volume of physiological saline did not significantly affect on the metabolic processes in animals after acute massive blood loss. Free-radical processes in the body with the prevalence of peroxidation and the formation of oxidative stress couldn’t be adjusted even by massive whole autologous blood transfusion. The received data indicate the high efficiency of the antioxidant complex “Cytoflavin” for the correction of metabolic post hemorrhagic disorders. The introduction of the drug “Cytoflavin” eliminates the prevalence of peroxidation processes and stops oxidative stress.
Conclusions. The activation of peroxidation leads to the growth of uric acid concentration as an active natural antioxidant. The injection of saline solutions in massive blood loss is unable to compensate the acid-base balance of the body, supply of antioxidant potential and reduce peroxidation processes. Massive blood transfusion equal to the volume of acute blood loss does not lead to a stabilization of free-radical processes in the body. The use of antioxidants in acute massive blood loss is an effective measure to prevent and relieve oxidative stress.
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246000, Respublika Belarus', g. Gomel', ul. Lange, d. 5, UO Gomel'skii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet, kafedra khirurgicheskikh boleznei №2 s kursom detskoi khirurgii,
Zyblev Sergei Leonidovich
Zyblev S.L. An assistant of the chair of surgical diseases № 2 with the course of pediatric surgery of EE "Gomel State Medical University".
Dundarov Z.A. MD, professor, a head of the chair of surgical diseases № 2 with the course of pediatric surgery of EE "Gomel State Medical University". Dundarov Z.A. MD, professor, a head of the chair of surgical diseases № 2 with the course of pediatric surgery EE "Gomel State Medical University".