Year 2013 Vol. 21 No 5




SE "Institute of Endocrine Pathology Problems named after V.Y.Danilevsky of National Academy of Medical Sciences of the Ukraine", Kharkov,
The Ukraine

Objectives. To carry out a retrospective analysis of the thyroid cancer prevalence in patients operated on for thyroid nodular pathology.
Methods. To investigate the prevalence peculiarities of various forms of the single-nodular pathology and thyroid cancer during 1985-2010 yrs. 25000 patients with different forms of nodular pathology were selected and 5350 case-histories of patients with clinically and morphologically confirmed single-focal benign or malignant lesion without autoimmune process and disturbances of the thyroid function have been analyzed. The building of logarithmic trend line with the calculation of the coefficient of determination R2 (regression analysis) has been used to identify tendency data and prognostication.
Results. High frequency of thyroid cancer in euthyroid single-nodular pathology has been detected. Patients with the single-nodular goiter made up 87,33%, with the thyroid cancer – 12,67% (ratio 7:1). The overall ratio of male/female for the single-nodular goiter composed 1:11,73 and 1: 3,89 for thyroid cancer. A highly reliable tendency of increase in the proportion of males among patients with the single-nodular euthyroid goiters and thyroid cancer was revealed in the period of 1985-2010 yrs. Single colloidal structures (64,77%) and follicular adenomas (24,55%) dominated in the pathologic structure of benign single-nodular growth. Single-nodular malignant pathology was presented by papillary (65,19%) and follicular carcinomas (29,79%) in the majority of cases. Forms of thyroid cancer without damaging of the lymphatic system and distant metastases made up 76,84% summarily.
Conclusions. High frequency of thyroid cancer in patients with single-nodular pathology and the prevalence of “small” forms demonstrate the need to regard the presence of nodular growth as a cancer risk factor especially in men.

Keywords: thyroid gland, nodular goiter, thyroid cancer
p. 65 – 70 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
61002, Ukraina, g. Kharkov, ul. Artema, d. 10, GU Institut problem endokrinnoi patologii im. V. Ia. Danilevskogo Natsional'noi Akademii meditsinskikh nauk Ukrainy, otdelenie endokrinnoi 61002, Ukraina, g. Kharkov, ul. Artema, d. 10, GU Institut problem endokrinnoi patologii im. V. Ia. Danilevskogo Natsional'noi Akademii meditsinskikh nauk Ukrainy, otdelenie endokrinnoi khirurgii i ginekologii,
Khaziev Vadim Vital'evich
Information about the authors:
Khaziev V.V. PhD, a head of the division of endocrine surgery and gynecology of SE "Institute of endocrine pathology named after V.J. Danilevsky of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine".
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023