Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 6




The method of double drainage was suggested to improve the results of surgical treatment in patients with the pancreas pseudo cysts of large sizes (more than 10 cm in diameter) and to widen the indications for internal drainage as the most favorable variant of treatment. The technique of surgery is described; the indications and contraindications to its performance are defined; possible complications are pointed out.
68 patients with pseudo cysts of more than 10 cm in diameter were operated on. In 14 patients the method of double drainage was applied. The usage of the suggested technique of the surgical intervention permits to decrease the number of the postoperative complications and to improve the treatment results of large postnecrotic pseudo cysts.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, pancreas cyst, operative treatment, double drainage
p. 133 – 138 of the original issue
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