Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 4




The structural changes in the small intestines wall have been studied in case of experimental acute peritonitis in the laboratory animals, rabbits, to whom preparations, containing amber acid, have been applied. Peritonitis has been provoked by using intra-abdominal polymicrobial suspension. Laparotomies, sanation, drainage of the abdominal cavity and decompression of the intestine have been performed in the experimental animals (the IV and V groups). The preparation «Neoton» has been intravenously introduced in the animals of the III group; in the IV and V groups – preparations «Reamberin» and «Citoflavin», containing amber acid. Taking of the material was performed 6 hours after contamination and on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days of the postoperative period. Morphological changes have been investigated using light microscopy with haematoxylin-eosin and Van-Gison staining.
By means of this research, acute structural changes in the intestinal wall have been determined to develop in case of experimental spread peritonitis. Besides, inflammatory reaction with predominance of exudation was combined with dystrophic alteration in the described organs. The changes have ascended by the 1st day and have descended by the 5th day of the postoperative period. Ascending of the changes the day after the operative intervention proves that the procedures of the abdominal cavity sanation and the intestinal decompression are not enough for enteral insufficiency reduction. The application of «Citoflavin» and «Reamberin» has permitted to save the structure of the small intestine significantly and it testifies to the necessity of these preparations application to eliminate enteral insufficiency.

Keywords: spread purulent peritonitis, small intestine, structural changes, amber acid preparations, «Neoton», «Reamberin», «Citoflavin».
p. 33 - 41 of the original issue
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