Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 3




The article deals with a talented surgeon, public figure and outstanding person Stanislav Narbut. This name has been forever engraved in the history of Braslav region and in memory of its people. More than 40 years Sranislav Narbut has worked as a doctor and managed to gain love and respect among people. Such features as enormous diligence, tenderness, unselfishness, active civil position helped him to win a great authority among his colleagues, gratitude among common people as well as fame of people’s doctor. The construction of the first-class hospital for those days, surgical and medical activity, love and devotion to his work are the merits which permit to say the following «Giving light for others one burns down himself…» No doubt that all his accomplishments let us say that Stanislav Narbut contributed significantly to the development of Belarusian surgery. His name is by right included in the list of the prominent representatives of the native medicine.

Keywords: Stanislav Narbut, the history of Belarusian surgery
p. 3 – 8 of the original issue
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