Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 5




Materials. Non-comparative prospective investigation of 43 patients with IIА and IIB degrees of limb ischemia was performed; in these patients the reconstructive intervention didn’t seem possible and conventional therapy was ineffective. Efficacy of the suggested treatment method of chronic limb ischemia with the phlebotrophic preparation «Antistax», regeneration stimulator «Ximedon» was studied as well as the application of the apparatus pneumomassage of the limb.
Results. Using the suggested complex method of treatment was found out to increase statistically the distance of pain-free walking by 30% and to increase the threshold of tolerance of the ischemic pains.
Conclusions. The worked out method of correction improves significantly the treatment results of patients with the lower limbs obliterating diseases.

Keywords: arterial ischemia of the limbs, chronic arterial insufficiency, lymphatic-venous insufficiency, conservative treatment, antistax, ximedon, pneumomassage
p. 160 – 165 of the original issue
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