Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 2




The research is aimed at studying personal features of doctors anesthetists-resuscitators. The object of the study was an averaged personality profile of medical doctors of this profession. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: psychological profile of anesthetists is within the range of average statistical standards and doesn’t have any vivid deviations linked with social or professional disadaptation; the study discovered certain specific personal features which can be considered as stable personality peculiarities, characteristic of medical doctors of this field; found personality peculiarities together with the requirements to people of this profession may create conditions for formation of the syndrome of emotional «burnout» and professional disadaptation among doctors. The results of this research can be used in the field of professional training of anesthetists.

Keywords: anaesthesiology-reanimatology, professional characteristics, personal features
p. 100-103 of the original issue
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