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Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 1
SEE HPE “I.M.Sechenov First Moscow Medical University” 1,
The Russian Federation
EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”2,
the Republic of Belarus
Objectives. To study the influence of the preparation of omega-3 fatty acids «Omegaven» on protein-lipid parities and phospholipid spectrum of mitochondrion membranes of the liver at the experimental widespread purulent peritonitis.
Methods. The research has been performed on 40 rabbits-males of chinchilla breed. Influence of the preparation of omega-3 fatty acids «Omegaven» on protein-lipid parities and phospholipid spectrum of mitochondrion membranes of the liver at the experimental widespread purulent peritonitis has been studied for the first time.
Results. The development of the widespread purulent peritonitis is characterized by the expressed imbalance of protein-lipid parities and phospholipid spectrum of mitochondrion membranes of the liver which is revealed through the percentage growth of lisophosphatides, possessing damaging action, and compensative activation of the systems restoring damages of mitochondrial membranes, at the expense of cardiolipin content increase.
Conclusions. It has been established that in the postoperative period «Omegaven» influences effectively phospholipid structure of mitochondrion by percentage decrease of lisophosphatides, level increase of polyglycerophosphatide and cardiolipin. The preparation prevents decrease in the amount of total phospholipids in mitochondrion membranes that together with stimulation of protein amount growth testifies to high protective properties of the preparation.
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119991, Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, g. Moskva, ul. Iauzskaia, d. 11, GOU VPO “Pervyi Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet im. I.M. Sechenova”, kafedra obshchei khirurgii,
Kosinets Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Kosinets V.A. Candidate of medical sciences, applicant for Doctor’s degree of the chair of general surgery of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
Osochuk S.S. Doctor of medical sciences, Associate Professor, head of the central scientific research laboratory of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Yarotskaya N.N. junior scientific researcher of the central scientific research laboratory of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.